The Mattachine Society's new Education Handbook (64 pages of microscopic print) is quite a job-a manual of organizational methodology invaluable to anyone interested in setting up discussion groups or such. Prepared in Denver, whense cometh that excellent newsletter we've mentioned now'n then. Denver will be host to the Society's annual convention this coming Sept. 4-7.

Our own 3rd book, Harry Otis' travel stories, including a few that have appeared in these pages, and a few others that our lawyer originally thought might be a little too anyhow, it'll be out soon...

And from Chicago, TRADEWINDS, an interesting new mimeoed gay magazine, with fiction, articles and artwork. Welcome aboard.


by and about women



by Ann Wooster

She could not believe that they were actually parting. It was far more like watching a film. She was somehow sure that the lights could be turned on, the racing reel could be stopped if only, if only . . . But it didn't stop. How ridiculous! What curious things one's mind could do. She said to herself,
